Sunday, September 29, 2013

What I`m going to be talking about in the next couple of weeks...

Hello My fellow bloggers/readers,

The topic that I chose will be about Instant Messaging. I am going to be posting information, uploading pictures and will be posting interesting videos regarding "Instant Messaging".

I will be talking about:

1. The advantages and disadvantages of Instant Messaging
2. History of Instant Messaging and how it all started
3. Is Instant messaging safe?
4. How many people use instant messaging a day?

5. What are the best platform of IM?

I am going to provide you useful tips and all the ins and outs when it comes to Instant Messaging. Personally, I use instant messaging to talk to my friends and Family. The ones I use is mostly “Facebook Messenger”, “What`s App” and “Blackberry Messenger”. These 3 applications are by far the best ones that have worked out perfectly for me and have no problems with it. I will be sharing with you more on how Instant Messaging really works and what are the best way to use them safely and properly.

1 comment:

  1. Would MSN fall under this category or did that come later on?
