Monday, October 28, 2013

...Is Instant Messaging safe?

It can be safe if you know the person you`re talking to personally, it wouldn`t be safe if you met the person online. It also wouldn`t be safe if someone gets a hold of your conversation and reads it. You can also get a virus from Instant Messaging, and sometimes, these virus are not easy to get rid of. If you reveal your info to others online, they can steal your identity just like that.

Please watch this video. This young lady knew exactly what to do =)

I got this video from YouTube
Video Link:
This video was uploaded on May 9, 2008
Canadian Centre for Child Protection Internet safety campaign. This child knows what to do. Does yours?

Parents, please educate your children while they are still young to not accept any friends request through their BBM, Tango, Viber or any applications if they do not know who they are accepting as a friend. It wouldn`t hurt to repeatedly advise our loved ones to always be safe and take precautions when it comes knowing who you are talking to.

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