Monday, October 28, 2013

The *BAD* Things

Instant Messaging was often used as a substitute for other forms of communications, such as phone calls, emails, face-to-face conversations. Using instant messaging led to more conversations on the computer but conversations are more brief.

One of the most common pitfalls that comes with IM is grammar and spelling errors. It is a more informal platform of communication, so really, no one is expecting perfection. a few errors may not cause concern, but consistently making grammar errors and use of sloppy words, especially in business may cause people to question your credibility.

- Not formal
- Cannot see the person`s body language or person`s facial expressions
- Potentially get a virus from other`s you are talking to
- Messages can be delayed, sometimes for hours
- Can be addicting and you waste tons of time using it (Unproductive)

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